Because your while loop only creates a random integer once (then breaks), during your for loop, it's setting every integer in your array (randomNumbers) to the same value: randomFace.
// if randomFace is equal to the result
while ( randomFace (3) equals result (3) )
// set randomFace to a random integer. This will break the loop
randomFace (3) now equals random integer (4)
// result becomes the 'new' randomFace integer
result (3) now equals randomFace (4)
// iterate through every value inside the randomNumbers array
for ( iterate through every value inside the array )
// 4 values are listed because you stated there were 4 values inside the randomNumbers array
array value [0] = randomFace (4)
array value [1] = randomFace (4)
array value [2] = randomFace (4)
array value [3] = randomFace (4)
If you're only going to have 4 — or a set amount of — random integers, you should create an empty array; Check if the length is less than 4, if so, then generate a random integer and add it to the array. The code will continue until there are 4 random integers inside of your array.
In order to do this, you must use the normal Javascript Arrays '()' and not the built-in arrays '[]' because their size cannot be changed. You can easily copy a normal array into a builtin array so you can see the random numbers generate inside of the inspector.
public var delayTime : float;// wait time before storing a new random integer (for the purpose of this question)
public var range : Vector2;// the minimum and maximum range to use when creating a random number (in your case: 1,5)
public var randomInt : int;// the current random integer to be stored inside of the array (I made it public so you can see what random integer was generated. If you use the built-in array method then you can keep this variable private.
public var maxArrayLength : int;// the maximum length allowed for the array
public var randomIntArray : Array;// an array holding the value of each random integer
public var builtinRandomIntArray : int [];// a builtin array used to show the current values of the randomIntArray inside the inspector
private var resetDelayTime : float;// reference to the delayTime variable
// used for initialization
function Start ()
randomIntArray = new Array ();// create an instance of the array
resetDelayTime = delayTime;// set resetDelayTime to the current delayTime
// update is called every frame
function Update ()
delayTime -= Time.deltaTime;// start the countdown. Subtract delayTime by each second (based on last frame)
// if the length of the array is shorter than the maximum allowed
if ( randomIntArray.length < maxArrayLength )
// ... and if the wait period is over
if ( delayTime <= 0 )
// ... create a random integer and add it to the array (holding all the random integers)
delayTime = 0;// set the delayTime to 0 to stop it from counting down
randomInt = Random.Range ( range.x, range.y );// create the random integer using the values from range
randomIntArray.Push ( randomInt );// add the random integer to the (randomIntArray) array
builtinRandomIntArray = randomIntArray.ToBuiltin ( int ) as int [];// copy the javascript array into a builtin array (so you can see the random integers inside the inspector)
Debug.Log ( randomIntArray );// display the current values of the randomIntArray to the console
delayTime = resetDelayTime;// reset the delayTime to restart the countdown (the countdown is used to insert a random integer inside of an array. Used for testing purposes only)
Debug.LogWarning ( "Limit has been rached!" );
delayTime = 0;// set the delayTime to 0 to stop it from counting down
I created a test showing how this could be implemented. Hope this helps...