First off, no one can help if you can't properly tell us the names of your scripts. Adequate info is necessary. Secondly, [@ThomasMarsh][1] gave you the correct answer for accessing a variable from another script.
Inside of the script called "CharWeapon" (the actual script you are calling from)
> "The other script which I call from is called something like charweapon or something like that."
create a private variable with the same name as the script you want to access, but in lowercase.
private var move : Move; // Reference to the Move script
Then setup the instance to the script in the Awake () function.
function Awake ()
move = GetComponent ( Move ); // Set a reference to the Move script
In your code you have...
move = GetComponent ( Player );
... which is incorrect because "Player" is the gameobject, not the script you're trying to access. There are also other factors at play: the "CharWeapon" and "Move" script **must** be attached to the "Player" gameobject, and "runSpeed" **has** to be a public variable in order to access it.
You do not have to cast a type to "runSpeed", you already - should have anyway - done so inside the "Move" script. Also, using 50.0f is C# syntax; with UnityScript it is not needed. The code should be as follows...
move.runSpeed = 50.0;