I think it could be a bit simpler. I wouldn't have so many operands at once because if one condition is not true, you won't have to check the others. A simple way to measure time, you can do:
public float fireRate;
private float lastShot;
void Update()
if ( Input.GetMouseButton( 0 ) )
void Shoot()
if ( lastShot + fireRate < Time.time )
// Pool or instantiate your bullet
// Set whatever properties you need
// Fire it off
lastShot = Time.time;
If you're afraid of the number constantly increasing you can do it a different way.
public float fireRate;
private float lastShot;
private float defaultFireRate;
void Awake()
defaultFireRate = fireRate;
void Update()
if ( fireRate <= 0 )
if ( Input.GetMouseButton( 0 ) )
fireRate -= Time.deltaTime;
void Shoot()
// Pool or instantiate your bullet
// Set whatever properties you need
// Fire it off
fireRate = defaultFireRate;
Coroutines are great but not the best for constantly changing values. They also generate garbage, so use them only when needed.
Personally, I believe the best option is to create Timer class and use that to set/check time for your game...